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Gopas IT Training Center

The GOPAS IT training center is the largest information technology training provider on the Czech and Slovak markets.

Despite operating on a quite small market, GOPAS is one of the major IT training providers in Europe. Its technical courses are annually attended by almost 30,000 students, mostly IT specialists. GOPAS has 3 branches (Prague, Brno – Czech Republic and Bratislava – Slovakia) with 41 computer classrooms on its own premises and 4 mobile learning labs.

GOPAS possesses several authorisations from software producers, including Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Learning Solutions, the highest possible Microsoft authorisation, which it was the first training centre in the Czech Republic to obtain. In the year 2013 IT training GOPAS has become the first and exclusive IREB Training Provider in the Czech Republic.

Most of GOPAS IT training center's courses are held in Czech or Slovak languages. In a lot of areas, GOPAS offer trainings in English, too. These courses mainly include Microsoft Office, IT Security Courses, Microsoft Windows, Server System, Programming, Databases, etc.

Course offer

Trainings Level
Foundation Level

Training Typ
Bratislava, Brünn, Prag
Trainings (Städte)
Bratislava, Brünn, Prag

GOPAS, a. s.
Kodaňská 46
Praha 10, 10100

Telefon: +420 234 064 900-3

E-Mail Website