- In modeling: The minimum and maximum number of ↑objects in a relationship.
- In mathematics: The number of elements in a set.
In ↑UML , the term multiplicity is used for cardinality.
Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineerings. Die Definitionen der Begriffe sind generell auf Englisch angegeben und nicht übersetzt. Dadurch werden Unschärfen oder Interpretationsspielräume, die sich aus Übersetzungen ergeben können, vermieden. Zudem sind die Begriffe des CPRE Glossars mit der Terminologie des ISTQB harmonisiert.
Das Online-Glossar entspricht der zum Download bereitliegenden Version und ist die zentrale Referenz für den CPRE Foundation Level und alle CPRE Advanced Level Module. Für den Advanced Level RE@Agile ist ein ergänzendes Glossar, das die Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld definiert, zum Download verfügbar.
A representation of a set of ↑objects of the same kind by describing the structure of the objects, the ways they can be manipulated and how they behave.
A diagrammatic representation of a ↑class model.
A model consisting of a set of ↑classes and relationships between them.
A consistent set of logically coherent ↑items. The items are individually identifiable ↑work products or parts of work products in at most one ↑version per item.
The degree to which a ↑work product conforms to regulations given in some ↑standard .
The degree to which a set of ↑requirements is free of contradicting statements.
Context in the second meaning is also called the ↑system context.
The boundary between the ↑context of a ↑system and those parts of the ↑application domain that are irrelevant for the ↑system and its ↑requirements.
The context boundary separates the relevant part of the environment of a system to be developed from the irrelevant part, i.e., the part that does not influence the system to be developed and, thus, does not have to be considered during Requirements Engineering.
The degree to which the information contained in a ↑work product is provably true.
In RE, correctness is sometimes used as a synonym for ↑adequacy , particularly when validating a ↑requirement rigorously against formally stated properties in the ↑context of a ↑system .
A person or organization who receives a ↑system , a ↑product or a ↑service . Also see ↑stakeholder .
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