Die Requirements Engineering Terminologie in verschiedenen Sprachen
Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineerings. Die Definitionen der Begriffe sind generell auf Englisch angegeben und nicht übersetzt. Dadurch werden Unschärfen oder Interpretationsspielräume, die sich aus Übersetzungen ergeben können, vermieden. Zudem sind die Begriffe des CPRE Glossars mit der Terminologie des ISTQB harmonisiert.
Das Online-Glossar entspricht der zum Download bereitliegenden Version und ist die zentrale Referenz für den CPRE Foundation Level und alle CPRE Advanced Level Module. Für den Advanced Level RE@Agile ist ein ergänzendes Glossar, das die Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld definiert, zum Download verfügbar.
The meaning of a sign or a set of signs in a ↑language .
Sequence diagram
A diagram type in ↑UML which models the interactions between a selected set of ↑objects and/or ↑actors in the sequential order in which those interactions occur.
The provision of some ↑functionality to a human or a ↑system by a provider (a system, organization, group or individual) that delivers value to the receiver.
In systems engineering, software engineering and Requirements Engineering, services are typically provided by a ↑system for a ↑user or another system.
Sicherheit (im Sinn von Nutzungssicherheit)
The capability of a ↑system to achieve an acceptable level of probability that the system, under defined conditions, will not reach a state in which human life, health, property, or the environment is endangered.
The degree to which a ↑system protects its data and resources against unauthorized access or use and secures unobstructed access and use for its legitimate ↑users.
A story map helps understand the ↑functionality of a ↑system , identify gaps and plan releases.
A series of sketches or pictures that visualize the execution of a ↑scenario .
Strukturierte Analyse
Structured Analysis
An approach for specifying the ↑functionality of a system based on a hierarchy of ↑data flow diagrams. Data flows as well as persistent data are defined in a data dictionary. A ↑context diagram models the sources of incoming and the destinations of outgoing ↑data flows.
A word having the same meaning as another word.
The rules for constructing structured signs in a ↑language .
In general: A principle for ordering and structuring.
In engineering: A coherent, delimitable set of elements that – by coordinated action – achieve some purpose.
A system may comprise other systems or ↑components as sub-systems.
The purposes achieved by a system may be delivered by
deploying the system at the place(s) where it is used,
The boundary between a ↑system and its surrounding ↑context .
The system boundary delimits the system as it shall be after its implementation and deployment.
At the system boundary, the external interfaces between a ↑system and its ↑context have to be defined.
The system boundary frequently coincides with the ↑scope of a ↑system (which denotes the range of things that can be shaped and designed). However, this is not always the case: there may be components within the system boundary that have to be re-used as they are (i.e., cannot be shaped nor designed), while in the system context there may be things that can be re-designed when the system is developed (which means that they are in scope).
System context
The part of a ↑system’s environment that is relevant for the definition as well as the understanding of the ↑requirements of a ↑system to be developed.
In general: A description of a potential sequence of events that lead to a desired (or unwanted) result.
In RE: An ordered sequence of interactions between partners, in particular between a ↑system and external ↑actors . May be a concrete sequence (instance scenario) or a set of potential sequences (type scenario, ↑use case ).
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