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Dr. Jose Luis de la Vara

Dr. Jose Luis de la Vara is a Visiting Professor at the Computer Science Department of Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain). Within the overall area of Software Engineering, his main research interests include Requirements Engineering, System Assurance and Certification, Model-Driven Engineering, Business Process Management, and Empirical Software Engineering.

He received a BEng degree in Computer Science (2006), a MSc degree in Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems (2008), and a PhD degree in Computer Science (2011) from the Technical University of Valencia (Spain). He worked at the Research Centre on Software Production Methods of this university (PROS) before joining the Software Engineering Department of Simula Research Laboratory (Norway) in 2011 as a Postdoctoral Fellow.

Dr. de la Vara has contributed to over 60 scientific publications on systems and software engineering topics, has participated in over 10 R&D projects in collaboration with over 40 companies, and has participated in the organization, program committee, publication review, and project review for over 80 journals, conferences, workshops, and research associations.

More information about his work can be found at www.delavara.es.

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