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IREB Communities


About IREB Communities

IREB supports the formation of IREB Communities worldwide. Committed professionals join forces and support the IREB by helping in the elaboration and translation of artifacts. They form IREB Communities which are - although legally independent organizations - tightly coupled to IREB.

If you are interested in joining an IREB Community please contact the appropriate one below. If you are interested in founding a new IREB Community please contact us.

Current IREB Communities


The Brazilian Requirements Engineering Community (BRAREC) is our IREB Local Community in Brazil.


The Chinese Requirements Engineering Board (CREB) based in Shanghai is our IREB Local Community in China.


Comité Français des Tests Logiciels (CFTL) based in Paris is our IREB Local Community in France.


Associazione ITA-STQB based in Brescia is our IREB Local Community in Italy.


MSTQB based in Lower Dagotiere is our IREB Local Community in Mauritius.


Stowarzyszenie Jakości Systemów Informatycznych (SJSI) based in Warsaw is our IREB Local Community in Poland.

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