For Requirements Engineering in an agile environment the CPRE scheme offers the following certifications:
RE@Agile Primer
The RE@Agile Primer imparts of how RE methods and techniques can advantageously be applied in agile development processes, and how techniques from the agile approach can improve the RE practice.
How to get prepared for the RE@Agile Primer exam?
The basis for the teaching content is provided by the RE@Agile Primer syllabus and study guide and the RE@Agile Glossary. The content is intended to be taught in a 1-2 days training course, but self-study is possible as well.
What RE@Agile Primer examination comprises
The examination consists of a written examination (multiple choice test). For further information see the CPRE exams. There are no prerequisites for the RE@Agile Primer.
Entry for the next level
The RE@Agile Primer certificate entitles to participate in the RE@Agile Practitioner exam, even without having a CPRE Foundation Level certificate.
This document lays out the IREB's conditions for the CPRE Foundation Level examination. It contains detailed information on duration, structure and types of questions, with some representative examples as well as special regulations.
The CPRE RE@Agile Primer syllabus and study guide states IREB's requirements for candidates to pass the RE@Agile Primer exam. For this purpose, the detailed content of each required training section is specified, as well as key words, learning targets and the recommended duration of the lessons. This document covers the complete content of the RE@Agile Primer topic and serves for the training provider's to prepare their course material as well as for candidates to prepare for the exam individually.
This glossary defines the terms which are relevant in the context of RE@Agile.
The RE@Agile Glossary is available in English and Chinese (Mandarin). The terms are defined in English only to avoid the definitions being affected by translation.
The English document includes - in addition to the definition of terms in English - cross references in French, German, Italian, Persian, and Portuguese (Brazil).
The CPRE RE@Agile Primer practice examination is available as an online self-assessment in Chinese, English, German and Italian. The Persian practice examination is currently only available for download.
This document lays out the IREB's conditions for the CPRE Advanced Level - Practitioner - examination.
This document lays out the IREB's conditions for the CPRE Advanced Level - Specialist - examination.
The CPRE Advanced Level Requirements RE@Agile syllabus states IREB's requirements for candidates to pass the related Practitioner and Specialist exam.
The syllabus details the content of each training section and specifies key words, learning targets and the recommended duration of the lessons.
This document is meant to serve as a concept for the training provider's course material as well as a means for candidates preparing for the exam individually.
The practice examination contains 21 questions in the same form, structure and style as the live examination. The download also contains solutions and correction aids.
The handbook RE@Agile complements the syllabus for the Advanced Level RE@Agile, Practitioner and Specialist.
The handbook addresses training providers who want to offer training courses for RE@Agile according to the IREB standard, as well as trainees and interested practitioners who want to get a detailed insight into the content of the Advanced Level RE@Agile.
This handbook does not replace a training course!
This download contains the task definition, the cover page and a template for the written assignment for CPRE Advanced Level RE@Agile - Specialist -
The data sheet summarizes the main information of the CPRE Advanced Level RE@Agile, such as target group, prerequisites and contents of the module.
It serves as an aid for decision-making.