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Data Privacy Statement

1. Name and contact data of the controller responsible for processing

This data protection information pertains to data processing by:

Controller: International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) e.V.
Mahlbergstrasse 25
7189 Karlsruhe / Germany
Email: privacy@ireb.org
Phone: +49 (0) 721 98234590

2. Collection and storage of personal data as well as nature and purpose of its use

a) When visiting the website
When accessing our website https://www.ireb.org, the browser used on your terminal device will automatically send information to our website server. This information will be saved temporarily in a so called log file. In this respect, the following information will be collected and stored pending automated deletion, without any action on your part:

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR. Our legitimate interests for data collection results from the above-mentioned purposes. In no event will we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about your person.
Concerning visits to our website, we additionally use cookies as well as analysis services. You can find further information in this respect in Items 4 and 5 of this Data Protection Statement.

b) Subscription to our CPRE newsletter
Provided you explicitly consented according to Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter a GDPR, we will use your email address to regularly send you our newsletter. Stating an email address and the first name (for correct salutation) is sufficient for receiving the newsletter.
Cancellation of the subscription or, equivalent to this, the revocation of consent is possible at any time, for example via a link at the end of each newsletter. Alternatively, you may also communicate your request to unsubscribe/withdraw via email at privacy@ireb.org. We will delete your email address following the cancellation of subscription unless its processing is permissible according to another rule of permission of Art. 6 GDPR – in that case, deletion will be effected following the inapplicability of the rule of permission.

c) Registration for the CPRE Register
If you provided your explicit consent, we will collect and use your following personal data for the purpose of your registration for the CPRE Register: First name, last name, name of the certification body, date of examination, certificate level and email address. For the verification of your CPRE registration, the data will be reconciled with data stored by the certification body specified. If this review confirmed your information, you will be publicly listed in the CPRE Register on our homepage on the basis of said data, disclosing you first name and last name, your certification level and ID, as well as the date of examination.
For the purpose of registration for the CPRE Register, data processing is provided on the basis of your voluntary consent in accordance with Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter a GDPR.
Deregistration from the Register or, equivalent to this, the revocation of consent is possible at any time, for example by sending an email with your deregistration request/ revocation to privacy@ireb.org. We will delete your data collected by us for the purpose of registration to the CPRE Register following the cancellation of subscription/ revocation of consent, unless its processing is permissible according to another rule of permission according to Art. 6 GDPR – in that case, deletion will be effected following the inapplicability of the rule of permission.

d) Implementing the online self-assessment
If you provided your explicit consent, we will use your email address for implementing our online self-assessment which allows you to take an online test examination for self-assessment purposes. Your email address will not be transmitted to third parties.
On the basis of your voluntary consent, data processing is effected, for the purpose of use of our online self-assessment, according to Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter a GDPR.
The personal data – your email address – collected by us to implement the online self-assessment will be deleted after 30 days, unless the processing of personal data is permissible according to another rule of permission of Art. 6 GDPR – in that case, deletion will be effected following the inapplicability of the rule of permission.

3. Transmission of data

There will be no transmission of your personal data to third parties for purposes other than the ones specified in the following.
We will only transmit your personal data to third parties in the following cases:

4. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. These are small files automatically generated by your browser and saved to your terminal device (laptop, tablet, smartphone or the like) when you visit our website. Cookies do not damage your terminal device, and they do not contain any viruses, Trojans or other malware.
The cookie records information incurred in connection with the respective specific terminal device. However, this does not mean that we actually get any direct knowledge of your identity.
On the one hand, cookies are intended to make your use of our services more comfortable for you. Thus, we use so-called session cookies to show us that you already visited individual pages of our website. These session cookies will be automatically deleted after you left our website.
Furthermore, we also use temporary cookies for the purpose of optimizing user friendliness; these are saved to your terminal device for a specific set period of time. If you visit our website again to take advantage of our services, it will thus automatically recognize that you already visited us beforehand and also which entries and settings you made so that you need not enter them again.
On the other hand, we use cookies to record statistical data on the use of our website and for the purpose of analyzing said data to optimize our services for you (see item 5). These cookies allow us to automatically recognize that you already visited us, in case of return visits. These cookies are automatically deleted following a specifically defined period of time.
The data processed by cookies are required for the indicated purposes of safeguarding our legitimate interests and those of third parties according to Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR.
Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can, however, configure your browser such that no cookies are saved to your computer or that a prompt always appears before a new cookie is generated. Any complete deactivation of cookies may, however, result in your inability to use all functions of our website.

5. Analysis tool

Google Analytics
The following tracking measures listed and used by us are performed on the basis of Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR. We use these tracking measures for the purposes of guaranteeing a needs-based design and a continuous optimization of our website. On the other hand, we use the tracking measures to record statistical data on the use of our website and analyze them for the purpose of optimizing our services for you. These interests are considered legitimate within the meaning of the aforementioned regulation.
For purposes of the needs-based design and continuous optimization of our web presence, we use Google Analytics, a web analytics service by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereinafter “Google”). In this context, pseudonymized use profiles are created and cookies are used (see under item 4). The following information on your use of this website generated by the cookie will be transmitted to and stored by Google on a server in the United States:

This information will be used to evaluate the website’s use, compile reports on website activities and to render other services relating to website and internet use for the purposes of market analysis and the needs-based design of these websites. Where appropriate, such information may also be transmitted to third parties if this is legally prescribed or as far as third parties process the data by way of contracting. Google will in no event associate your IP address with other data. Said IP addresses are being anonymized, thus making referencing impossible (IP masking).
You may prevent the installation of cookies by selecting an appropriate setting on your browser software; however, please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their fullest extent.
Furthermore, you may prevent Google from recording and processing the data (including your IP address) generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website, in such a way that you download and install a browser add-on.
As an alternative to the browser add-on – in particular concerning browsers on mobile terminal devices – you can also prevent any recording of data by Google Analytics by clicking on this link. This will create an opt-out cookie, preventing future recording of your data when you visit this website. This opt-out cookie is valid only for this browser and only for our website and will be filed on your device. If you delete the cookies in this browser, you have to prompt the opt-out cookie anew.
You may find further information on data protection in connection with Google Analytics for example via Google Analytics help.

This website uses the open source web analytics service Matomo. Information about your use of this website is stored on our server. The IP address is anonymized before storage. Matomo will not set any cookies. All data is stored on the same server as the website itself, so it will not be shared with third parties. The storage of data is based on Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the anonymized analysis of user behavior, to optimize its web offering. In addition, the defense against attacks on the website is an important component.

7. Subject’s rights

You have the following rights:

8. Right to object

If your personal data are processed based on legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR, you have the right in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR to object to such processing of your personal data if there are grounds resulting from your particular situation or if such objection concerns direct marketing. In the latter case, you have a general right to object which will be implemented by us without specification of a particular situation.
To exercise your right to withdrawal of consent or your right to object, it is sufficient to send an email to privacy@ireb.org.

9. Topicality and changes to this data protection statement

This data protection statement is currently valid and dated May 2018.
The continuing development of our website and pertinent services in this regard, as well as changed legal or official regulations may render changes necessary to this data protection statement. You may access and print the respectively current data protection statement at any time from the website on the Privacy page.