Luisa Mich is an Associate Professor of Tourism Information Systems and Didactics of Computer Science at the University of Trento, Italy.
Her research interests in requirements engineering include semantic annotation for regulation compliance, requirements analysis for web reputation monitoring systems, models for website quality. In these, she is focusing on the role of natural language and creativity techniques for requirements elicitation and modeling.
Her early research dealt with computer-mediated interactions, specializing in computer supported cooperative work and decision support systems. This research led to the study of behavioral patterns and decision-making processes and the role of ICT in these processes, contributing to her current research in creativity techniques and in multi-perspective quality models.
Since 2002, she has led the Cerno project at the University of Trento, whose goal is to develop a framework for the application of linguistic tools to goal-driven semantic annotation. Her involvement in the European project, Papyrus, allowed her to investigate how a semantic framework supports the development of a multimedia digital library system for specific domains. Her ongoing research deals with the automatic detection and analysis of mentions to address concerns related to Web reputation and customer relationships management in the Web 2.0 era.
She is an author of more than 120 papers that have appeared in journals, conferences, and workshops. See for a complete list. She serves and has served on the organizing and program committees of several conferences and workshops, including RE, REFSQ, NLDB, ENTER and USARE.
She has lectured at and collaborated with several Italian and foreign universities.
Luisa Mich is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); of the International Federation for Information Technology and Tourism (IFITT), for which she is a member of the Italian Chapter’s Committee; and of the AICA (Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico). She is a board member of AICA-CINI-CRUI, the National Observatory for Computer Science Certifications.